GSC Counseling Associates offers a variety of trainings for professionals and community organizations, businesses, and agencies.
With over 30 years in the field, Deb Yambor PhD and Danille Bowman LCSW, have extensive experience training and mentoring professionals throughout the state of
Pennsylvania. Topics of professional trainings have included:
- Managing Challenging Behaviors in the Classroom
- Bully Prevention
- Group Start-up and Facilitation Training for Guidance Counselors
- Appreciative Inquiry Management Techniques
- Building Emotionally Healthy Classrooms
- Understanding Emotional and Social Health in Children and Adolescents
- Foster parent Training in Best Practices for Engaging and Supporting Children in Foster Care
- Maternal Bonding in Utero and Post-Partum Depression
- Drug and Alcohol Clinical Assessment Skills
- Stress Management
- Anger Management
- Engaging Parents in Early Childhood Education
Additionally, curriculum writing has included:
- Building Early Childhood Education utilizing Pennsylvania Standards
- Classroom Management Strategies
- Curriculum for Children and Youth Caseworkers in Pennsylvania in the areas of Autism, Schizophrenia, ADHD Treatment Strategies, and Understanding Delinquent
- Drug and Alcohol Level of Care Group Curriculum; Using Evidence Based Practices
- Co-Occurring Group Treatment Curriculum; Using Evidence Based Practices